The exhibition currently on display is anoverview of the past 7 years of People’s Architecture Office’s design work, called “Mass Interventions”.
Using a large number of models, pictures, videos, etc., the exhibition details the socially-conscious designs of the the firm, largely focusing on their “plugin” homes, their mobile units, and their architectural and interior design.
In fact, the building itself is a kind of culmination of many of their works to date, featuring designs and technology they developed over the past few years including the tubular exhibition system, their golden bubbles, the tricycle house, and more.
Various lectures were held to discuss the opening of the cultural forum. Speakers included curator Ole Bouman, director of the Shekou Design Museum, and Jeffrey Johnson, Dean of the University of Kentucky College of Design, as well as Ou Ning, visiting guest at Columbia Graduate School of Arhcitecture, Planning, and Preservation, and Advisor of the Kwan-Yen Project.