Limits | Frontiers will explore alternate, divergent, or expanded modes of practice that leverage design and architecture in new contexts and economies. From working community interfaces, to new forms of manufacturing, work and fabrication, to design constructors, to working with emerging sources of capital and resources, architects are positioning themselves as being proactive entrepreneurs to rethinking the role of the architect.
Fall 2018 Conversations on Practice are organized by Yolande Daniels, Bob Mohr, Andrew Scott, and J. Meejin Yoon, with the Professional Practice course. Conversations aim to engage in productive dialogue about the current and future of practice, by focusing on the airing of critical, timely, and urgent questions facing architectural practice today.
Conversations take place on Friday mornings - September 28, October 19, and November 9 – from 9 AM - 12 PM, in the Long Lounge, Room 7-429.
learn more :https://calendar.mit.edu/event/marcel_botha_liz_burow_james_shen_practice#.W62Zj2gzYuV