In November, we change the continent, generation and everything else. Compas on Beijing, a city in full change and expansion, where everything changes, but is not necessarily flattened, as can sometimes be seen in the media.
James Shen, who will be our speaker of the evening, founded the PAO (People's Architecture Office) in Beijing in 2010 with his staff He Zhe and Zang Feng. Their skills and the size of their projects vary from the smallest scale to urban plans, but what drives them is belief in the quality in which design can have social impact. Their agency has received several awards, not only for realized projects (Red Dot Awards, Architizer Awards, World Architecture Festival, ...) but also for the social dimension of their entrepreneurship. Their work has already been presented in many important places, including the inevitable Venice Biennale. James Shen, born in the United States and graduated from MIT, will tell us about Beijing, the city where he works.