PAO at Harvard for a Year
Dec 8th, 2017
People’s Architecture Office (PAO) Principal James Shen began his year as a 2018 LOEB Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) with an informative talk that detailed both PAO’s past work and the firm’s goals for the upcoming year.
Established in 1968, The LOEB Fellowship is curated by Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. LOEB Fellows are accomplished practitioners, influential in shaping the built and natural environment, whose work is advancing positive social outcomes in the US and around the world. Shen is the fourth Chinese recipient of the LOEB fellowship.
Participants and audience members included practicing architects, professors, and students at the GSD, as well as past and current LOEB Fellows. In his talk, Shen chronicled the innovative and entrepreneurial highlights from the firm’s seven year history, which ranged from its official status as a social enterprise to its plans to expand operations to the United States.
沈海恩/James Shen