2012 Get It Louder Exhibit Design
Get It Louder is a biennial exhibition held in China that serves as a platform promoting the next generation of artists, designers, and film makers.
People’s Architecture Office was the curator and exhibition designer the Architecture, Product Design, and Urbanism sections of the 2012 Get It Louder. We defined this year's theme as “The People’s Future” and approached the design of the exhibition in a way that envisions a more sustainable tomorrow. Exhibitions usually involve much waste as exhibits are built with metal wood and drywall used for a limited period and then thrown away. Instead, our design uses rented plastic shipping pallets as the primary construction material. After the exhibition the pallets were returned, none of which were altered in this process. We designed a series of steel connections that made use of existing features found in the palettes that allowed them to be used as modules connected together in a Lego-like manner. Therefore the palettes did not act as a skin hung on a steel structure but instead the plastic was used in a structural way with each module working together in a manner that resembled a brick structure.
The exhibition space was arranged to resemble a dense urban future where buildings communicate to each other. A collection of five iconic structures were built with shipping pallets. Each structure takes a unique form but their form also affords a connection between them implying they are in fact a collections of parts forming a whole. Two of the structures are two stories in height, each with stairs that lead up to a second floor space. One structure is suspended from the ceiling and contains projections on four faces at a height that is level with the two story structures.
The different sections of the exhibition were mixed together to allow for the possibility of unexpected relationships. The exhibits surround the structures, attach to the structures, and inhabit the structures.
2012 Get It Louder Exhibit Design
Client:Modern Media
Date of Completion: Dec 2012
Principals:He Zhe, James Shen, Zang Feng
Project Team:Lian Junqin, Niu Lei, Xu Xiaoyu, He Xuantong, Yang Bing, Cai Richao
Photographer:People’s Architecture Office
Building Area:700 sqm